2021 DESIGN TRUST Critically Homemade x MPAVILION


This event is now complete. If you want to revisit the talk, visit our Library, or subscribe to the MPavilion podcast via iTunes, Pocketcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever else you get your podcasts.


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The Design Trust Critically Homemade (DTCH) programme is established as a response to the current challenges faced by societies locally and globally alike. Probing into the early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the design community, the programme emerged with the desire to facilitate creative collaboration, inspire critical reflection, and drive forward with a positive momentum from the core of our network, radiating beyond our city Hong Kong. Since its conception, the Critically Homemade micro-initiative has been naturally represented with a rainbow, relaying a message of optimism, hope, and resilience that parallels the intention behind our efforts in creating an organic platform for designers and viewers alike to think critically and creatively to form a collective response to these new norms. Over time, rainbows have been embedded with symbolic power, contextualized through historical, political, and cultural adoptions of the visual motif – and through this initiative, Design Trust builds upon it while echoing its sense of unity. Through Design Trust Critically Homemade, new meanings are once again attributed to the different colours of the rainbow.

Under the theme of “Space: Experiments in Time” the online event focuses on the act of creative collaborations under lockdown and prompts questions around resiliency and collectivism under the Design Trust: Critically Homemade Programme and its rainbow D universal symbol of hope across different continents.

Presented as part of Melbourne Design Week, an initiative of the Victorian Government and delivered by the National Gallery of Victoria.

To view the DTCH documentary, click here