Kate Sulan

Kate Sulan is a performance maker, director, dramaturge and facilitator. Kate is the founding Artistic Director of Rawcus an award winning theatre company comprised of an Ensemble of 15 diverse minds and bodies. Her work draws on dance, theatre and visual art disciplines and has been described as “a moving assertion of humanity with a wicked sense of humour” Kate is one of the artists working on the five year Refuge project at Arts House. Refuge explores the role of artists and cultural institutions in times of climate catastrophe, bringing together emergency management, artists, the community and local, regional and international partners. Kate has collaborated with Back to Back Theatre over 20 years as co devisor, dramaturge and director. She has a passion for working with non-trained artists and fostering conversations between sectors. Kate’s work embraces complexity and diversity and is underpinned by the desire to fuel dreams, accumulate questions, slow down time, invite reflection, and celebrate humanity.